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Stories by TV4’s Terese Cristiansson from the disaster zone in Turkey

TV4 is a Swedish television network which was launched in 1990, and became the largest Swedish television channel in 1994. Today, it is one of the top two television channels in Sweden.

Some other TV4 stories contributed as either an interpreter or a researcher:

Frikostiga bygglov i Turkiet kritiseras efter jordbävningen
Svår humanitär situation efter katastrofen: ”Myndigheterna gör inget”
Unga kan avgöra ödesvalet i Turkiet
Turkiets hemmafruar stöder Erdogan
TV4 på plats i Ankara – inför turkiska valrysaren

Dagens Nyheter Folkomröstning i Turkiet: ”Vår Erdogan får världen att skaka och alla mödrar att gråta”

Dagens Nyheter, widely considered Sweden’s newspaper of record, was founded in 1864, and has been Sweden’s top daily newspaper since the 1960s.


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